It's been way too long since my last post. That's not because we haven't been busy and I haven't had lots to share, it's just because I haven't really felt inspired to write much these past few months.
We are feeling pretty settled in Atlanta now, although sometimes I feel like it will probably take another 6-8 months to really feel comfortable here. It has been a busy fall and winter.
In September we celebrated Charles' birthday and I attended my first SEC football game - Georgia v. LSU. It was lots of fun and a pretty rowdy crowd. Although LSU lost it was a good game and ended with a gorgeous sunset!
Sunset after the Georgia/LSU game |
We also went to the Saints v. Falcons game at the Georgia Dome, we were surprised there seemed to be more Saints fans there than Falcons fans. At the end of the game when the Saints won the entire stadium erupted with cheers of "Who Dat?" It was tons of fun!
For years we have been trying to get up to West Virginia with Charles' brother Paul and his wife Meredith, she grew up going to West Virginia every year to go skiing with her family. We finally made it up for a visit in early October, just in time to catch the last of the fall leaves! We went on hikes and played with our nephew Hayden. All in all a great trip! Thanks so much for having us Richmond Watsons. Here are a few pics from the trip:
Charles and Paul fly fishing |
Meredith and Hayden |
Fall! |
Family photo |
Gorgeous color on our hike |
saying goodbye at the airport |
We had several visitors for our beautiful fall weather in October and early November. Our friends Jeff and Sarah from Colorado stopped through town and stayed with us one night on their way to visit Sarah's family in north Georgia. Charles' parents came for a long weekend and we enjoyed a trip to the Atlanta History Center and showing them around town. My mom and aunt Margie came for a visit and we went up to see Tallulah Gorge and visited the Atlanta Aquarium. The best part of their visit was when we got a VIP tour of the whale shark exhibit completely by chance! Then to round out or month of visitors some of my girlfriends from Houston came for a visit! We went to the spa, went shopping, and ate lots of really good food. All in all it was wonderful having all of our family and friends visit us in our new home.
At the Georgia Aquarium with my mom and aunt Margie |
With my Houston girls (minus Kat) |
We spent the Thanksgiving holiday in Dallas with my family. It was nice to be back in Texas and good to see family and eat LOTS of delicious food. And while we did enjoy the traditional Thanksgiving meal we had, we also managed to squeeze in 2 visits to our favorite restaurant (Gloria's) while we were there. Unfortunately I didn't seem to take any photos, I meant to...
We spent Christmas in Florida with Charles' family which was so much fun. Our nephew Hayden was almost one and it was lots of fun to watch him play and see him open new toys on Christmas morning. My mom joined us in Florida for a long weekend and we showed her around Sarasota - went kayaking, walked on the beach, went to the Selby Gardens, and the Mote Aquarium.
Christmas Morning! |
For New Years we attended the wedding of our dear friend Ellie! It was so much fun to go to a New Year's Eve wedding with so many of our close friends. Ellie and Andy - thanks for picking such an awesome night to get married and for including all of us in the celebration! It was an amazing and gorgeous wedding!
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Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Buchmann |
All in all we had a great holiday season!
So far 2014 has been going smoothly and we are happily moving along through our day to day routine. Unfortunately I got stuck in the horrible Atlanta ice storm back in January - more on that in a separate post. Charles ran a trail run half marathon a couple weeks ago with our longtime friend Caroline and a new friend Ashley. It was a tough course, but they all did well and were rewarded with a big brunch after finishing the race. Next week is Charles' spring break and we are headed down to Florida for the week to get some sun and enjoy some time with his parents.
Finally, the BIG NEWS:
Baby Boy Watson will be arriving in July of 2014! We are so thrilled our family is growing and can't wait for our little one's arrival!